Tata Steel announces global production and sales figures
by David Fleschen
Tata Steel has announced its production and sales figures for the following regions:
Tata Steel India:
India operations achieved the highesteverCrude Steel production in4QFY19 driven bybetter plantavailability across the locations including ramp-up at Tata Steel BSL.4QFY19 production grew by 46%YoY to 4.47 mntons, which on an annualized basis works out to17.88mn tons.
India operations recorded the highestever sales volume in 4QFY19; volumes increased by 56%YoY and 22%QoQ to 4.73 mn tons during the quarter,which on an annualized basis works out to18.92 mn tons. Automotive & Special products sales crossed 2 mn tons plus milestone in FY19.
Tata Steel Europe:
4QFY19 sales improved as production grew by 17%QoQ with better plant availability. Blast furnace 5 at Port Talbot, which was under shutdown for life extensionprogramsince September 2018, resumed operationsin January 2019.
South East Asia:
4QFY19production was down on QoQ basis mainly due to maintenance shutdowns at NatSteel Holdingsduring the Chinese New Year holidays. Sales volume was 3.5% higher on QoQ basis reflecting better sales at Tata Steel Thailand with improved rebars marketsentiment.
Source: Tata Steel, Photo: Fotolia