International Colloquium on Refractories (ICR®)
by Dagmar Dieterle
This year's International Refractory Colloquium (ICR®), which was held in Aachen in the past years, will take place on September 16/17, 2020 entirely in a virtual setting. The concept offers researchers and industry experts of the refractory industry a virtual industry exhibition and numerous networking opportunities as well as a virtual scientific congress with more than 40 expert lectures.
The virtual ICR® Live Keynotes, the presentation of the Gustav-Eirich Award and a web-based tool "meet@ICR2020" will contribute to a "live" feeling. An interesting feature is the "meet@ICR2020" option for arranging personal meetings between participants and exhibitors. Industry presentations in a special session will complement the scientific congress, which will be held in seven virtual sessions.
- The congress will be held in English.
- Registration at
Overview of the scientific sessions (subject to change)
Bach, M.; Gehre, P., Jansen, H., Bühringer, M., Aneziris, C. G.
Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany and Refratechnik Steel GmbH, Germany and Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung, Germany
Recycled CFRP composites as carbon source in refractories
Deteuf, C.; Graddick, S., Edwards, C., Liu, C., Wöhrmeyer, C.
Imerys, France
A new mullite based 60% aluminosilicate aggregate with enhanced hot properties
Holleyn, F.; Krause, O., Erbar, L., Sollbach, M., Dietrich, P., Dannert, C.
Hochschule Koblenz, Germany and Forschungsgemeinschaft Feuerfest e. V., Germany
Cement free refractory castables for waste and biomass incineration: silicon carbide raw material characterization, fabrication process and properties
Koch, A.; Krause, O., Kasper, J., Dannert, C.
Hochschule Koblenz, Germany and Forschungsgemeinschaft Feuerfest e. V., Germany
Recycled raw materials in refractory castables – influence of recycled refractory raw materials on the coagulation and setting behavior of CAC-bonded refractory castables
Baryshnikov, A.; Ovcharenko, V., Belikov, I., Rudchenko, V.
Lyncis UAB, Lithuania
Experience in applying online elemental LIBS analysis to optimize production of refractories and steel
Angelkort, J.; Fröse, N., Knoll, M., Epstein, B., Fromm, S., Hoffmann, I.
Intocast AG, Germany and VGT-Dyko GmbH, Germany
Influence of a Calcium Aluminate Cement on the properties of nitride-bonded SiC Ceramics produced from thixotropic castables
Gülmez, M. M.; Avicioglu, B., Ural, S.
Cimsa Cement Plant Mersin, Turkey and Çukurova University, Turkey
Investigation of the relationship between mineralogical content and compressive strength of calcium aluminium cement
Kuipers, S.; Wams, G., Spies, A., Schmidtmeier, D., Klaus, S., Buhr, A., Dutton, J.
Almatis B.V., The Netherlands and Almatis GmbH, Germany
New calcium aluminate cement for refractory pre-cast shape production
Kyrilis, E.; Tonnesen, T., Telle, R.
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
The effect of the binder and the spinel content on the performance of high-alumina self-flow monolithics
Bachmann, E.
HarbisonWalker International, The Netherlands
Study of Accelerated Dry Out of Monolithic Refractory
Bastian, M.; Dannert, C., Klein, G.
Forschungsgemeinschaft Feuerfest e. V., Germany and Hochschule Koblenz, Germany
New method to determine the shear dependant viscosity of refractory castables: Effect of vibration parameters
Peng, H.; Myhre, B.
Elkem Silicon Materials, Norway
Cracking of MgO based castables – a challenge of the past?
Simmat, R.; Dannert, C., Erbar, L., Krause, O.
Forschungsgemeinschaft Feuerfest e. V., Germany and Hochschule Koblenz, Germany
Influence of Additives on the Crystallization and Dehydration of Calcium-Aluminate-Hydrate Phases in Refractory Castables
Wöhrmeyer, C.; Szepizdyn, M., Simonin, F.
Imerys, France
Deflocculation and hardening of carbon containing ultra low cement castables (ULCC)
Bastian, M.; Simmat, R., Dannert, C., Schomborg, L., Berchter, A.
Forschungsgemeinschaft Feuerfest e. V., Germany and Purmetall GmbH, Germany
Investigating the thermal conductivity of refractory castables up to 1600 °C
Brochen, E.; Dannert, C., Holleyn, F., Krause, O.
Forschungsgemeinschaft Feuerfest e. V., Germany and Hochschule Koblenz, Germany
Correlation between the high temperature thermal shock resistance of cement and colloidal silica bonded high alumina refractory castables and their thermomechanical properties
Kieliba, I.; Tonnesen, T., Huger, M., Vitiello, D., Telle, R.
RWTH Aachen University, Germany and University of Limoges, France
High temperature damping characteristic of spinel containing materials
Leber, T.; Tonnesen, T.
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Influence of oxidizing conditions on the development of the elastic properties of magnesia carbon bricks.
Oliveira, R.; Rodrigues, J. P., Pereira, J. M., Lourenco, P.
Coimbra University, Portugal and Minho University, Portugal
The experimental thermomechanical characterization of refractory masonry under uniaxial compression
Samadi, S.; Teixeira, L.– B., Jin, S., Gruber, D., Harmuth, H.
Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria and University of Orleans, France
Creep parameter determination of a shaped alumina spinel refractory using statistical analysis
Vitiello, D.; Nait-Ali, B., Tessier-Doyen, N., Smith, D. S., Rebouillat, L.
University of Limoges, France and Pyrotek, Canada
Evaluation of heat conduction through insulating refractory bricks and joints: material thermal conductivity and interface resistance
Darban, S.; Reynaert, C., Prorok, R., Szczerba, J.
AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Research method of corroded refractory materials for thermomechanical test: case study alumina-spinel and magnesia-carbon
Kumar, D.; Mandal, S., Kumari, P., Sinha, G., Basak, S., Sinha, S., Chakraborty, I. N., Basak, S., Jajodia, R.
Calderys India Refractories, India and University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, India
Carbon monoxide resistance of chammotte based low cement castables
Nießen, J.; Reichert, W., Tonnesen, T., Telle, R.
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
In-situ measurement of hot corrosion (mechanisms) by resonant frequency and damping analysis (RFDA)
Reynaert, C.; Sniezek, E., Szczerba, J.
AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Impact of the changes of slag composition by addition of SiO2 and MnO on the corrosion of refractory bricks
Veres, D.; Aneziris, C. G., Bock, B.-E, Tronstad, R., Forwald, K. R., Stephan, L.
Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany and Elkem AS Solar, Norway and Elkem AS Research, Norway and Elkem GmbH, Germany
Influence and determination of slag infiltration and the suction behavior of casted carbon-bonded refractory materials based on SiC
Bastian, M.; Dannert, C., Kehren, J., Krause, O.
Forschungsgemeinschaft Feuerfest e. V., Germany and Hochschule Koblenz, Germany
Novel insights into the oxidation mechanism of NSiC: Part I – Influence of pore characteristics
Delobel, F.; Lang, C., Abdelouhab, S., Skoczylas, F.
Belgian Ceramic Research Center, Belgium and LaMcube, France
Evaluation of the standard method for the determination of refractories materials permeability
Gerz, A.; Schmid, M., Walenta, G., Noel, N., Sax, A., Quirmbach, P.
Calucem GmbH, Germany and Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Influence of different alumina on Low Cement Castables (LCC) properties and phase evaluation
Kehren, J.; Zimmer, S., Krause, O., Bastian, M., Dannert, C.
Hochschule Koblenz, Germany and Forschungsgemeinschaft Feuerfest e. V., Germany
Novel insights into the oxidation mechanism of NSiC – Part II: Influence of Si3N4-polymophs and their morphology studied by scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy
Zhang, M.; Kannabiran, S.
Höganäs Borgestad AB, Sweden
Effect of colloids impregnation on permeability reduction of corundum bricks
Bock, B.; Wetzig, T., Herdering, A., Gehre, P., Hubalkova, J., Dudczig, S., Aneziris, C. G.
Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Development of ceramic foam filters based on additive manufacturing and their impact on steel melt filtration
Chudikova, D.; Petrov, V., Šimko, R., Hirjak, R., Mišanekova, V., Kuchar, T., Novota, A.
RMS Košice, Slovakia and Intocast Slovakia
Development of the steel ladle AMC bricks with higher corrosion and erosion resistance for wall and bottom
Dzhodzua, R.; Nemsadze, G.
GIR Group, Ukraine
Modern refractories for the repair and construction of coke ovens:
World experience of using silica materials with coarse-crystals and cryptocristal latti
Firsbach, F.; Nispel, M., Bruel, G., Houldsworth, I., Chunlamani, S.
Lhoist Business Innovation Center (BIC), Belgium and Lhoist Western Europe (LWE), Belgium
Dolime based EAF hot repair material an alternative to magnesia based materials
Folco, L.; Copetti, G.
Seven Refractories
Steel ladle management: an integrated view of the challenges in resistance, environmental impact and economic issues
Nourbakhsh, A. A.; Lotfian, N., Baghaie, A.
Arvin Dirgodaz Company, Isfahan Science and Technology Town, Iran and Refractoceramics Consultancy, UK
Investigation of nano MgCr2O4 functionalized by silanol group to improve the physical and mechanical properties of direct bonded mag-chrome refractories
Smirnov, A.; Nemsadze, G., Sharandin, K., Dzhodzhua, R., Ryabyi, D.
GIR Group, Ukraine
Features of the occurrence of starting fans in the continuous casting of billets by open jet
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