Danieli Automation upgrades Acciaierie Fonderie Cividale electric arc furnace
by David Fleschen
Danieli Automation has completed the upgrade of the 35-t AC EAF at AFC-Acciaierie Fonderie Cividale, Italy.
The AC electric arc furnace is now powered by Q-ONE, a Danieli-patented system based on Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) power electronic technology.
Two Q-ONE modules sized 12.5 kA each for a total power of 15MVA have been installed.
It took just 3 days of plant shut-down to switch from transformer to Q-ONE, and since the first heat AFC has never stopped production.
Thanks to the newly installed technology, arc stability was improved considerably, generating improvements in the overall melting process that, though preliminary, showed an initial saving of 5-10% energy consumption and up to 25% power-on time reduction, while the expected 20% electrode consumption reduction will require more heats to be confirmed.
As already demonstrated at ABS Sisak, the installation of Q-ONE at Acciaierie Fonderie Cividale accomplished a very low network flicker due to the quick control of voltage and current. A power factor constantly above 0.96 was also achieved.
Q-ONE technology provides the most stable, low-disturbance effect (low flicker, low harmonics and power factor close to unity) along with the most advanced, dynamic and fast arc-control system through high-performance electronic power unit.
Q-ONE offers unmatched power control and power management; it does not require any SVC installation.
Source and Photo: Danieli